A new variety set is now available in Legends of Runeterra, spicing things up in the current meta. In addition, the new set sees the release of the release of the Trusty Adnere card. This card is a collaboration of Riot Games with community member Rusticles. Continue reading to see the full list of LOR Variety Set 4.11 new cards.
VARIETY SET PATCH 4.11 – New Cards

Despite its appetite for even the strangest sea-beasts, there are some monsters even Bilgewater’s most experienced captains won’t hunt. They speak of Sefirsa in whispered tones, as a hypnotic light moving deep beneath the waves; a monster perched upon a mass grave of sunken ships and drowned men.

Zaun demands adaptation–and the chemtech drake is no exception, cast in the sickly green light of augmentation as it clings to the underbelly of the city. The twin shadows of the drake’s ruined wings loom along darkened passageways, harbingers of a fury born from anguish at its own corruption.

“She was v-vicious! Thralls burnt to black ice, avalanches beneath her claws, a roar that knocked snow off the mountains! A warrior queen, I tell you! K-killing thralls is the work of a warrior queen.” – Babbling Bjerg

Noxian expansion has claimed many different peoples, settlements, and cultures. Frequently, wild creatures are also at the mercy of the war machine–but in the case of this dragon, each brutal step forward by Noxus is met with an equally brutal inferno of rage.

Wood, steel, flesh–all of it melts in proximity to the firespitter’s caustic rage.

“You must remember, my son, that the chasing of any horizon must be in service to the home we leave behind.” – King Jarvan III

The skitter of a thousand iron-clawed hands and the gnashing of spectral teeth promise a nasty end to any who refuse to serve.

These hounds never forget the scent of one who tried to flee–and when the hounds corner their prey, a deathwinder is never far behind.

“Of course I know old Portia! A bit out-to-lunch, but she can get you a portal to anywhere, in a pinch. A swirl of the tail, and you’re off!” – Portal Pioneer

The duneswallower slumbers at much larger depths than its smaller xer’sai cousins. Known to make an easy meal out of other xer’sai predators, it is rarely documented–likely for the fact that it can swallow entire dunes (and any witnesses) whole.

“This land is full of lessons. Remember always: the passing of each season is to be celebrated, for only in the ending can a new beginning be born.”

“Look! Papa’s birds are hatching again!” “Whoa! Another one! Why are there so many?” “You ask that EVERY year, Arya.” “Well nobody ever answers!” “Shhh, don’t scare them. And tell me how many there are, cuz we’re gonna have to think of a lotta names.”

This veiled protector has not forgotten the blessing that elevated it above a mere beast–and repays this debt by ensuring any who seek a certain sanctuary on the slopes of Targon make the journey unscathed.
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